Friday, November 21, 2008


Al Akhbar was rich today. It reported on the Bedouin women health workshop that took place at AREC, AUB's Bekaa campus. The participants quickly raise an issue of great importance to them: citizenship. But the Akhbar reporter misread this and decided that they were not interested in health, only in citizenship.

There was also a report on the terrible state of the main slaughterhouse in South Lebanon. Fainthearted better abstain.

But the most interesting piece came from Egypt: the arrest of "the cancer ambassador", a high ranking offical at the ministry of agriculture who has been allowing illegal import of banned pesticides. Apparently, he was very close to the current minister, who is considered to be part of the "old guard" and who is not one of the favorites of the young Mubarak, the heir apparent. Justice moves in mysterious ways.

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